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As a member of a creative copywriting team, I created 30% of the total copy of said team over the period of a year. Alongside corporate copy, I also produced bespoke copy, from creative briefs I pulled together myself. Please find one such piece linked here.

Astrology Dice

As part of the Twitch Channel Adventure Tavern's cast, I have created content for two seperate TTRPG shows. I have written for Legacy of Bulls — a Vampire the Masquerade show — in which I wrote a slice-of-life blog style piece of media that was used in the marketing and in the show proper as a part of the story, from the perspective of the NPC I played in one episode of that chronicle. The full text for  piece, 'Temerity', can be found here.

In addition, at present I am the host and Game Master of Adventure Tavern's Vaesen show, a 7 episode campaign that I have been writing alongside an outstanding team of creatives who have helped me bring it to life. This show, Dark Tide, Rising Waters, runs on Twitch every Wednesday at 8PM BST, and will be available as VoD on YouTube after the fact.

Screenshot 2021-02-20 at 18.39.56.png

Tasha's Heavy Crockpot of Bits and Bobs is a DMs Guild Silver Best Seller (find the link here!). An unofficial and fully homebrewed companion to Tasha's Heavier Cauldron of Bits and Bobs, Tasha's Crockpot is the result of a collaborative effort between myself and other writers who are keen to provide their voices to the hobby we love!


My contributions:

  • A new background - The Followed - In which you've left a cult but they want you back. What could go wrong?

  • The Heckler and Gamble of the Beholden feats- the Heckler provides an option for you to backseat drive someone's performance to either ruin or outstanding artistic success, and the Gamble gives you a way to play your patron at their own game.

  • Druid - Circle of the Facechanger, in which you can turn into some of the weirdest creatures of all- people.

  • Warlock - Pandemonium Exile, wherein you become the chosen one of the crab God in the howling deep.

Notebook and Pen

Arcane Script Issue 10

Please click here to view my contributions to 'The Sai'Aldag Sea', Issue 10 of the e-zine 'Arcane Script'. In this edition of the tabletop roleplay supplement, we cover an area of grassroots company Heavy Waite Gaming's homebrew world focusing on nautical themes. In all issues of Arcane Script, we focus on providing fans of tabletop roleplay with multiple original character and setting options for their home games through inventive worldbuilding.

Fortune Telling Cards

DnD Beyond’s Newest Arcane Offerings, July 2020

There are few roleplay games that have ingrained themselves in our culture quite like Dungeons and Dragons has. From the pen and paper child of the 80s it has grown into its own phenomenon, and in 2017 the release of online companion DnD Beyond revolutionised how we roll. The online compendium for Dungeon Masters and players alike is forever expanding what it can offer, and this month the creators did not disappoint.

You can buy additional sourcebooks from the DnD Beyond store, but playtest content is free

The hot off the press release of more Unearthed Arcana feats provide myriad new options for your characters, from cooking up extra hit points to inflicting conditions in combat. You can choose these while using the site’s character creator by activating the slider marked ‘playtest content’ on the home tab or view the full feat list by casting plane shift now.

In the meantime, let’s get down to brass tax and discuss some of these. For those of you who fancy dabbling in the outerplanar, ‘eldritch adept’ has you covered. This feat allows you to take an eldritch invocation from the warlock class and change it whenever you gain another level. The one catch – apart from the ones your patron might put in the fine print, of course – is that to take an invocation with prerequisites you must be a warlock that meets those requirements. That being said, if you’re not totally ready to sign away your soul by taking on the warlock class, never fear! You can still take this feat to invoke armour of shadows, beast speech, beguiling speech and more without any pesky prerequisites.

For the front-line combatants looking to find new ways to bolster your allies in combat, ‘tandem tactician’ allows you to use the ‘help’ action as a bonus action. When an ally within 5 feet of you makes an attack after you grant them ‘help’, they roll their first attack with advantage. This also allows you to extend your aid from 5 feet to 10 and to multiple characters. Now, to me this one seems a little overpowered, so it will be interesting to see if it survives the playtest period!

Unfortunately, changes are still considered unofficial playtest material for the time being, and so Adventurers League players will need to wait for their future inclusion in official publications to use them. For those of you wanting to trial them in home games however, (GM permitting) you can do so! In fact, if you do take them for a test drive, why not let DnD Beyond know what you think? You can give them feedback on these new releases by filling in this survey to have your voice heard.

For those curious about what else the site is working on, you can hear from the creators of DnD Beyond themselves with their ‘Dev Update’ series by Adam Bradford here.

May your twenties always be natural!

Image by Jr Korpa

London Calling: Vampire the Masquerade Setting Primer, March 2020

(Primer developed as an introduction to 'London Calling', a Vampire the Masquerade game set in 1980s London.)

Mithras: the name alone is enough to dredge up emotional memories for many older kindred. Even amongst the newer of the undead it is not a name you can avoid for long in London. Although he was not part of the sect itself, under his rule Camarilla law came into effect and has been enforced in the city ever since the Convention of Thorns. Mithras’ rule was long and tumultuous, bringing in stricter presentation rules and blood laws, an influence that persists to this day. The current ruler and former student of Mithras, Queen Anne, ascended from Seneschal after the Prince’s disappearance and assumed (yet unproven) death in World War 2.

The kindred of London are a proud breed. It being the oldest and most famous domain on the British Isles, to survive and thrive there is a status symbol for any of the undead. The Ventrue clamour for power and influence. The Tremere have been brought low and are relegated to but a small chantry. The Nosferatu are governed by the elusive and shadowy Underprince, a kindred dedicated to strengthening his clan within the city. The Toreador are allowed to have heavy presence in the South Bank arts complex, the West End theatre district and Bloomsbury and Kensington museums – but are still hostages to the princedom as insurance per the Treaty of Durham. As long as they remain within The Queen’s grasp, she knows the Toreador’s Scottish kin are forced to behave themselves. The Lasombra are represented by Stephen Lenoir, somewhat of a honeypot recruiter when it comes to encouraging neonate Lasombra from the Sabbat into the Camarilla. Ravnos used to live in the East End, and the Setites are relegated to the Temple of Dogs under the mistrusting eye of the Queen. The Docklands are Giovanni. Free gargoyles also make their way to the city regularly, as do large numbers of independent ghouls including cults such as the Disciples of Set, the Unmastered and the Acquired Taste Company.

The Camarilla Elysium is in Highgate Cemetery, as it has been for time immemorial.

Despite the well-established rule of the Camarilla over the domain, the Anarchs are a strong force too. Their main presence is in the Goth club Carfax Abbey, to the Queen’s displeasure – displeasure that the owner, Hortense Holden, could not care less about.

Sabbat agents are becoming more and more common in the city’s slums, recruiting from the poor and downtrodden, led by the Assamite antitribu Montgomery Coven, about whom rumours are aplenty. He runs Syndexioi Ltd., a cyber security firm.

With the blood hunts more common than ever and the rumours that the Queen is not shy about diablerising those who would oppose her, London is a political powder keg.

The Prince is dead; long live the Queen.

Welcome to London.

On Air Sign

Flamel Student Radio, March 2020

The pilot of the Flamel Student Radio, a radioshow produced as an unofficial piece of media for The Flamel Academy, a LARP run by Legendary LARP.

'Magical Mycelia, lonely hearts and disappearing greenhouses, keep up to date with all the Academy's hot gossip in today's episode of the Flamel Academy Radio.

Stay safe and stay Curious, listeners...'

Image by Марьян Блан | @marjanblan

B-Team, Re-Fiction August 2019

Fear tastes like copper pennies.

I waited in line at the coffee shop, feeling my foot try to run away from me, tip tapping a tune independent of my commands. The low thrum of conversation was a dull background roar. Melanie gripped my hand. When we weren’t shuffling forward, we were watching the television, spilling its blue light over the display cabinets of fresh pastry. Our friends weren’t able to be seen from this camera angle, but we knew they were up there, the super ones, the beautiful and bold saviours of the city. On occasion we caught a glimpse of Nina, cape aflutter, wings outstretched, diving back down towards the fray and her team mates. Just another day on the job, stopping another supervillain on top of another megacomplex. Or at least that’s what the public story was.

The sweat turning our hands clammy told a different tale.

They had eighty seconds to stop this disaster. I checked my communicator, seeing their glowing symbols beneath the flickering counter synched up to the bomb Melanie and I knew was up there. All five life signs still online, seventy-nine seconds.

It wasn’t a comfort. Not on a day like today. And no one else in that café knew.

Melanie gave my hand a squeeze, a low gasp caught in both our throats as the tower on the news listed slightly in time with a colossal thudding noise from outside. Dust flew around the tower like a centralised urban sandstorm as the news camera zoomed in.

I remember the last words Nina said to me before boarding the drop ship. “We’ll be back when this is over. You may not be super like us, but you don’t need to be. You’re super like you.”

The City didn’t know the Alpha Team as Nina, Josh, Mia, Rowan and Tom. They knew them as Eagle, Banshee, Barricade, Mana and Darklight. And if they didn’t know that much, there’s no way they’d know us. The ones who’d fix them up afterwards, who would stitch up the wounds and hold them through each nightmare. The ones who love them.

“Ma’am?” The cashier’s concerned voice snapped me out of my reverie. The queue had dissipated. “What can I get for you?” She smiled at me: she knew exactly what I was here for. Ever since the team had moved in across the road, the order had always been the same. I could see behind her a young man who the Supers had saved before, Jordan, as he shot me a grin of recognition and began filling takeaway cups with coffee.

“Seven Danishes, five mochas and two americanos please.” I rattled off the list like a mantra.

“Coming right up.” She replied. Another piece of the routine.

I checked my communicator again. Thirty seconds.

Melanie’s hand drifted to the small of my back, wrapping around my waist and holding me tight. I imagined that I could feel her heartbeat, in time with mine, fast and light beneath her skin like a hummingbird’s wings.

The communicator beeped.

I looked down at it, feeling the backing track of life slowing down around me.

‘1 New Message. Sender- Rowan: It’s too late.’

Melanie was also staring at her communicator. We turned to each other, the realisation settling in our stomachs, anchors of the heaviest despair taking root. Her eyes were all that mattered. Deep, dark brown, flecked with hazel. Piercing and honest.

I kissed her, holding her tight.

We were still holding each other when the earth shattering, bone shuddering explosion rocked the ground, and the chatter of the café turned into screams.

Melanie reacted quicker than I did, using her grip on me to drag us both to the ground, rolling under the nearest table as chunks of ceiling fell and feet stampeded around us running for the exits.

Everything changed that day, except for one thing. Fear still tastes like copper pennies.

Work: Work
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